Applying Lessons from the Apostles’ Courage

Applying Lessons from the Apostles’ Courage

In the fourth chapter of Acts, we find the Apostles’ remarkable display of courage. Despite facing opposition, we read how Peter and John stood firm in their faith and boldly proclaimed the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Their courage was not self-generated but flowed from their faith and trust in Jesus. 

In today’s context, Christians can learn from this example and find ways to share Jesus’ message courageously. Peter and John’s courage is displayed as they stand before the Sanhedrin, the judicial body of the Jewish people. Despite being ordinary, uneducated men, they spoke with wisdom and conviction, baffling the scholars and the elders of the time. They held their ground fearlessly, stating these words about Jesus: 

There is salvation in no one else! God has given no other name under heaven by which we must be saved” – Acts 4:12.

In the face of intimidation and threats, they did not back down. Still, they found more incredible determination to share the message of Jesus. Their courage stemmed from their unshakeable faith in Christ, knowing He had conquered death and offered salvation to all who believed in Him.

Today, we can apply the Apostles’ courage lessons to our modern context. Here are just a few ways that Christians today can find the courage to share Jesus’ message:

  1. Declaring Your Faith Publicly: As Christians, we are called upon to boldly proclaim our faith publicly, not just through words, but by embodying the teachings of Christ in our daily actions. Remember, this is not merely a suggestion – it is a divine mandate, a core facet of our spiritual journey.
  2. Relying on the Holy Spirit: Just as the Apostles drew strength and courage from the Holy Spirit, we, too, can tap into this divine power to stand tall in the face of adversity. Our faith, when rooted in the Holy Spirit, is the beacon that guides us, even when challenges abound. It’s not simply about courage but divine courage – a fearlessness born of faith and spiritual conviction.
  3. Building Community: In the same manner that a single thread gains strength when woven with others, our collective resilience, underpinned by love and unity, empowers us to face adversity with holy courage. We do not stand alone but together. Being part of a community of believers provides support, encouragement, and strength, making it easier to live and share the message of Jesus.
  4. Living Authentically: A life in line with the Christian principle of love is a powerful testimony, often more impactful than words. Stemming from a heart anchored in faith and truth, we can align our actions with the lessons Jesus taught.
  5. Practicing Love and Compassion: Jesus’ message always centers on love and compassion. As Christians, courage is not only displayed in crucial, significant actions but in the humble, daily acts of kindness and love we extend to those around us. The courage of Christ dares us to love unconditionally, to serve selflessly, and to seek justice tirelessly. This courage is our love in action.

Showing these qualities can draw others towards a relationship with Jesus. In a world that often seems chaotic and contrary to the teachings of Christ, Christians must have courage. Sharing the message of Jesus may sometimes be challenging. Still, it is a calling God gives every Christian to share the love and compassion of Jesus with our community and world today.