Being a Disciple: Putting Jesus First in Every Area of Life

Being a Disciple: Putting Jesus First in Every Area of Life

Have you ever wondered what it means to be a disciple of Jesus?

First, it means following Jesus. Most Christians get that part. But it also means actively seeking to put Him first in every aspect of life, which can be more challenging. Being a disciple means embodying the teachings of Jesus in our daily actions, decisions, and relationships.

Let’s explore some remarkable biblical examples and provide practical ways to live out these principles today.

Peter’s Trust: Embracing Faith in Uncertain Times

One of Jesus’ closest disciples, Peter, is an excellent example of trusting Jesus amidst uncertainty. When Jesus invited Peter to walk on water, Peter stepped out of the boat based solely on his faith in Jesus.

‘Yes, come,’ Jesus said. So Peter went over the side of the boat and walked on the water toward Jesus” – Matthew 14:29.

Even when Peter began to sink, Jesus was there to lift him. This story teaches us that trusting Jesus is crucial, especially during uncertain times.

We face numerous life uncertainties concerning our careers, relationships, or personal goals. We should follow Peter’s example by stepping out in faith and trusting that Jesus will guide us. When making decisions, big or small, pray for guidance and trust that Jesus will direct your path.

Paul’s Transformation: Leaving the Past Behind

Paul’s transformation from a persecutor of Christians to a devoted apostle is one of the most compelling examples of change through Jesus. Once known as Saul, he was notorious for his aggressive stance against Christians. However, after a direct encounter with Jesus, Paul’s life was completely turned around, dedicating himself to spreading the Gospel (Acts 9). This powerful transformation should inspire us all, showing that no one is beyond the reach of Jesus’ transformative love.

And immediately he began preaching about Jesus in the synagogues, saying, ‘He is indeed the Son of God!’ All who heard him were amazed. ‘Isn’t this the same man who caused such devastation among Jesus’ followers in Jerusalem?'” – Acts 9:20-21.

Like Paul, embracing Jesus means letting go of past habits, sins, and mindsets. It involves acknowledging our mistakes, seeking forgiveness, and allowing Jesus to renew us. Today, we can mirror Paul by being open to change and striving to grow closer to Jesus.

Martha’s Service: Balancing Work and Worship

The story of Martha and Mary highlights the importance of balancing service with worship (Luke 10:38-42). While Martha was busy with housework, Mary chose to sit at Jesus’ feet and listen to His teaching. Jesus gently reminded Martha that while her service was valuable, she should not neglect worship and spending time with Him.

But the Lord said to her, ‘My dear Martha, you are worried and upset over all these details! There is only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it, and it will not be taken away from her'” – Luke 10:41-42.

This balance provides a straightforward guide on structuring our lives, ensuring that our service is always rooted in our devotion to Him.

Getting caught up in tasks and responsibilities in our busy lives is easy. While serving others is essential, we should not neglect our relationship with Jesus. Set aside time for prayer, reading the Bible, and worship, ensuring your service is always rooted in your devotion to Him.

Avoiding Self-Righteousness: The Pharisees’ Example

Jesus often criticized the Pharisees for their self-righteousness and judgmental attitudes. They were more focused on appearing holy in the eyes of others than genuinely following God’s Commandments. 

As modern-day disciples, we must avoid the trap of self-righteousness. Instead of judging others, we should strive to support and uplift those around us. Reflect on your actions and attitudes, ensuring they align with Jesus’ teachings and exemplify love, compassion, and humility.

A Welcoming Church: Embracing Everyone

Jesus’ message was one of inclusivity and love. He welcomed everyone, from tax collectors to sinners, without judgment or discrimination. The church should model this inclusive nature by opening its doors to all.

Today, it’s essential that the church remains a welcoming place for everyone. Whether someone is struggling with addiction, has made mistakes, or feels lost, they should find acceptance and love within the church community. As disciples, we must practice inclusivity, showing kindness and support to those who walk through the church doors.

Action Steps:

1. Trust in Uncertainty: Identify an area of your life facing uncertainty. Commit to praying and trusting Jesus to guide you in that situation.

2. Embrace Change: Reflect on old habits or sins that may hold you back. Seek Jesus’ help in letting go and embracing positive change.

3. Prioritize Worship: Schedule regular times for prayer, Bible reading, and worship each week, ensuring that your service to others is rooted in your relationship with Jesus.

4. Practice Humility: Be mindful of your attitudes and actions, striving to avoid self-righteousness. Focus on supporting and uplifting others rather than judging them.

5. Be Inclusive: Actively seek ways to make your church and personal interactions more inclusive. Reach out to those who feel marginalized, offering them a warm welcome and support.

Focusing on these practical steps can help us become disciples who put Jesus first in every area of our lives. May we strive to live out His teachings, trusting Him in uncertain times, embracing transformation, balancing work and worship, avoiding self-righteousness, and welcoming everyone with open arms.