Bringing Balance Into Our Lives

Bringing Balance Into Our Lives

When we think about bringing a sense of balance into our lives, we tend to imagine a life divided into various categories. It’s trying to think of life as a pie.

One slice would be your career, and another would be your family life. Then another component would be your social life, and yet another section would be your recreation life. You also have a section covering your secret life, those compulsions, addictions, and those things that nobody else knows about.

But there are better ways to view a balanced life. Christians must understand that our lives should not be broken into components entirely separate from each other. Instead, a biblically-based balance should encompass a complete spiritual life, living according to God’s directives.

His direction means living out the commandments to love and worship God and loving the people He created in His image. Spiritual balance means setting aside time to pray, study the Bible, attend church, and fellowship with other believers. It also means making time for rest and recreation. It is a balance that keeps us focused on the most important things so we can live the kind of life that is pleasing to God.

Without balance, we can quickly become overwhelmed. God wants us to be spiritually balanced, so we will recognize that we need Him and make Him the priority. When we allow God to be the center of our lives, He will help us stay focused through the busyness and demands of this world.

As a genuinely wonderful reminder to strive for spiritual balance in all aspects of our lives, the Apostle Paul gives us a word of encouragement on where our focus should be.

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is worthy of respect, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if something is excellent or praiseworthy, think about these things – Philippians 4:8.

Paul knew that by focusing on what is good, we would be able to recognize there is beauty in all things. By doing so, we can find peace, joy, and contentment. And the best by-product of maintaining a spiritual balance in our lives is the effect we can have in sharing God’s love with others.