Determined To Do What is Good

Determined To Do What is Good

The Apostle Paul learned that determination was one of the most significant characteristics of his ministry. He understood that circumstances would require him to be an example by holding his ground and taking a moral stand. For Paul, this was the DNA that made up his commitment to fulfilling God’s call in his life.

When confronted with those moments of decision that tell you to take a pass and do what is comfortable and safe, the word determination says, “No, stand firm in your character and integrity.” And yet, people will often conform to the easy path, so that it won’t breach the boundaries of their comfort zones.

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time, we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have the opportunity, let us do good to all people” – Galatians 6:9-10.

Oh, it’s so easy to go with the crowd. Don’t believe it? Go to any sporting event. In the beginning, everyone is cheering for the home team. But when things don’t go well, the cheers quickly turn. Need a biblical reference? Look no further than Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem and, just a few days later, the scene on Golgotha.

Friends, the bottom line is this. To be resilient, we must be determined to sync our decisions with the leading of God’s Word. When you get down to it, knowing more about what the Bible says is not about knowing more stuff. No, the Bible is about knowing God more. Reading the Bible is not about information. No, it’s about life transformation.

If you know what God wants you to do, yet you don’t do it, would you like to know what this compares to? It’s like taking a jug of milk left out on your counter overnight. And it begins to sour, and if you dare take the top off, you discover not only does it stink, but it begins to stink up the whole kitchen.

When you know God’s Word but don’t obey it, your life begins to sour. Doing what is right does not mean following the results of an opinion poll. Instead, doing what is right is a decision of courage and character. The bottom line is situations will often arise for you to choose between a decision of courage or simply going with the flow. “Hey, the people down the road are doing it, and why don’t we?”

The call to biblical courage has not been stamped “null and void.” Biblical courage has two unbreakable requirements: you must be determined by how you love people and in your faithfulness to God. These two requirements are non-negotiable, and you can’t have one without the other. These preconditions mean we first receive God’s love and then share this same love with others. Be encouraged as you reflect upon those situations where doing the right thing has enhanced your ability to live a life of love and faithfulness.