From Law to Grace: How Jesus’ Sacrifice Changes Everything

From Law to Grace: How Jesus’ Sacrifice Changes Everything

The book of Leviticus in the Old Testament is a detailed account of laws and commandments given to the Israelites, known as the Levitical law. These laws ranged from dietary restrictions to ceremonial practices intended to set them apart as God’s chosen people. However, with the coming of Jesus Christ, a fundamental shift occurred. Jesus ushered in a new covenant, marked by grace and centered on love, freeing believers from the stringent legalities of Levitical law. This transition is essential for understanding how Christians today can live out their faith authentically and meaningfully.

The Heart of Jesus’ Gospel Message: In Matthew 22:37-40, Jesus summarizes the essence of His teachings: 

You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.” 

This powerful message simplifies the myriad commands of Levitical Law into two fundamental principles — love for God and love for others. 

Jesus’ death and resurrection fulfilled the Old Testament law by acting as the ultimate sacrifice (Romans 10:4, Galatians 3:23–25, Ephesians 2:14-15). Through His atonement, Jesus provided a path to redemption and direct access to God, moving us from the rigid adherence to the law to living under the grace of His salvation. Fixation of Levitical law leads to a legalistic approach to faith. In contrast, Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross redefined the relationship between God and us, shifting the focus from ritual purity to genuine love and compassion.

Food Choices and Compassion:  While Leviticus has specific dietary laws, Jesus taught that what truly matters is not what goes into our bodies but what comes out of our hearts. Under Levitical law, strict dietary restrictions were imposed, prohibiting the consumption of certain foods like pork and shellfish. However, with the grace brought by Jesus, these restrictions no longer bind us. Today, many Christians enjoy barbeque meals or indulge in shrimp at seafood restaurants. This freedom allows us to focus more on the heart of the matter — caring for others and fostering relationships — rather than adhering to a rigid set of rules.

Honoring God through Relationships: The shift from following Levitical law to embracing the grace of Jesus’ sacrifice also impacts how we praise God through our relationships. Under Levitical law, there were detailed instructions on interacting with others, including strict rules regarding purity and association. Today, however, we are guided by Jesus’ teachings, which emphasize love, forgiveness, and reconciliation. For instance, instead of keeping our distance from those who have wronged us, we are encouraged to forgive and, when possible, restore relationships. This approach honors God and strengthens our community by fostering genuine connections, reflecting Jesus’ message of grace and compassion in our daily interactions.

Selfless Actions and Neighborly Love: Embracing Jesus’ grace changes how we approach charitable actions and neighborly love. Under Levitical law, charity was often driven by a sense of duty and adherence to specific commands. Today, guided by Jesus’ teachings, our acts of charity are motivated by genuine love and compassion. 

For example, in the age of social media, it can be tempting to make charitable acts public for recognition. However, Jesus reminds us to give in modesty, not seeking attention (Matthew 6:1-4). This means supporting a struggling neighbor with groceries or donating to a cause without broadcasting it online. Instead of seeking likes or followers, our focus should be on the pure intention of helping others. 

Sabbath Observance and Relaxation: Another transition from living under Levitical law to living under grace transforms our approach to Sabbath observance and rest. Under Levitical law, the Sabbath was strictly observed, with numerous rules governing what could and could not be done. This often resulted in a legalistic and burdensome experience.

Today, Jesus’ teaching encourages us to view the Sabbath as a gift rather than a strict obligation. For instance, we can embrace the principle of rest by setting aside regular time for relaxation and spiritual rejuvenation without the pressure of rigid regulations. Examples include enjoying time at the beach with your family, playing a relaxing round of golf with good friends, not checking work emails on Sunday, or dedicating time to reading and personal reflection. There are so many ways to relax and unwind. Jesus reminds us that …

The Sabbath was made to meet the needs of people, and not people to meet the requirements of the Sabbath” – Mark 2:27.

Jesus highlights the importance of rest for our well-being. By embracing this grace-filled perspective, we honor the essence of the Sabbath — finding rest and renewal in our busy lives. 

The transition from living under Levitical law to embracing the grace provided by Jesus’ sacrifice represents a liberating shift in focus. It calls Christians to prioritize love — love for God and love for others — above all else. This shift is not just a change in rules but a transformation of the heart. By understanding and applying the essence of Jesus’ message, Christians can move beyond legalism and embody the transformative power of grace in our everyday lives, inspiring hope and a renewed sense of purpose, enabling us to live a life that honors God and brings His love to those we share this world with.