Growing Closer to God by Growing Closer Together

Growing Closer to God by Growing Closer Together

Individual endeavors often attract us with the allure of speed and efficiency, convincing us that going it alone is the best way forward. Yet, in our haste, we risk overlooking the transformative journey of collaboration. Going it alone may wind and twist into territories far beyond our foresight. In shared visions and collective wisdom, we find the strength to reach milestones of much greater significance than mere swiftness. By embracing the richer pace of teamwork, we discover it is together, not in solitude, that we unlock the fullness of potential and purpose.

In a world that often champions individualism and success, the Christ-centered path of teamwork and trust shines as a countercultural light of hope and love. The Bible imparts numerous accounts of collective action infused with confidence – not just in one another, but in God’s sovereign plan – that collectively reflect the deep-rooted love that Christ exemplifies.

Consider, for example, the early Christian Church described in the Acts of the Apostles. Here, we see an emerging community that lives by the radical spirit of togetherness and unconditional love. 

All the believers devoted themselves to the Apostles’ teaching, and fellowship, and to sharing in meals (including the Lord’s Supper), and to prayer” – Acts 2:42.

This compelling picture of togetherness wasn’t just about practicality; it’s the hallmark of a community whose foundation was trust in God and His provisions and a commitment to reflecting the love of Christ through shared life.

Gathering together as a church is foundational to the Christian faith. When believers congregate, they experience the collective strength of faith that springs from worshipping, learning, and serving together. 

In contrast, the solo Christian journey lacks the shared encouragement, accountability, and spiritual sharpening from being a part of a community of believers, which are vital for a robust and resilient faith life. 

As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend” – Proverbs 27:17.

In essence, the church embodies the body of Christ, functioning exceptionally only when each member contributes and grows in harmony with others.

German theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer delved into the essence of Christian fellowship, asserting that community life is both a divine gift and a spiritual discipline. Bonhoeffer’s insights reveal the joy found in Christian fellowship and the challenges of living authentically with others — embracing unity, humility, and service.

The person who loves their dream (viewpoint) of community will destroy community, but the person who loves those around them will create community.” – Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Life Together.

Today, the relevance of Bonhoeffer’s vision persists as it calls upon the church to embody inclusivity, support, and empathy. In a digital age that attempts to substitute genuine community, Bonhoeffer’s teaching reminds us how authentic connection is found in the mutual bearing of burdens and the celebration of each other’s faith amidst a fragmented world.

The concept of teamwork is embodied in the New Testament through the analogy of the church as Christ’s body. 1 Corinthians 12:12-27 pictures the church as a body with many parts, each with different functions, but all essential and all in need of one another. Paul reminds the church that “if one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.” This interconnectedness implies a level of vulnerability and trust that can only be rooted in Christ’s love for His body, the church.

In the modern Christian walk, these collaborative effort and trust themes are as relevant as ever. Charitable endeavors, community outreaches, and global missions are practical expressions of teamwork that build believers and the communities they serve. When a church unites, it embodies the same love that stirred the hearts of the early Christians.

The testimony of countless believers worldwide serves as evidence of Christ’s love working through the unity and efforts of His people. Whether it’s a joint church planting mission across different countries, local churches working together to address community challenges, or diverse Christian organizations teaming up to provide disaster relief, the narrative remains consistent: teamwork is an anchor that reflects Christ’s selfless love.

Remember, the Christian pursuit of teamwork isn’t merely a strategic choice but a spiritual charge that echoes the heart of Christ’s commandment to love one another as He has loved us (John 13:34). 

In laying down His life for us, Jesus set the ultimate precedent for sacrificial love – one that beckons us to lay aside personal agendas to work in unity for the flourishing of His Kingdom here on earth and our communities. As we trust God and collaborate with one another, we mirror the very essence of Christ’s love to the world around us.