Kindness is Kind of a Big Deal

Kindness is Kind of a Big Deal

The other morning, I was in the drive-through line to get my coffee. And a lady drove up from the opposite direction, and so I let her in line ahead of me. It wasn’t a big deal or anything. But when I got to the drive-through window to pay for my coffee, she had already paid for it in appreciation for letting her in front of me — pretty cool stuff. And so, I then paid for the person behind me. I didn’t know them either, but I wanted to share the kindness shown to me.

In the world today, we see, on full display, an abundance of poor behavior. Words said and things done that show a general lack of civility.
And isn’t it true that we have many opportunities to share words of life and encouragement? Yet, misusing words can quickly escalate into a weapon of personal destruction. And what I think tends to be forgotten is this isn’t what God desires for His creation. No. Far from it.

Do not let kindness and truth leave you; Bind them around your neck, Write them on the tablet of your heart” – Proverbs 3:3.

Kindness is often neatly wrapped in those small and simple times. Whether we consciously realize it or not, kindness represents the work of Christ in our lives. For those who genuinely profess Jesus as their Savior, kindness is how we are taught to interact with one another, in the words we speak and the things we do. It is this idea of doing a simple act of kindness in humility, with the idea of no strings attached. Kindness is maturity under grace.

We are to seize opportunities for kindness when they arise.

During the presidential campaign of 2008, Senator John McCain was confronted during a town hall gathering. A woman stepped up to the microphone and spoke, in derogatory terms, about his opponent, Senator Barack Obama. John McCain calmly took the microphone and said, “No, ma’am. He’s a decent family man. A citizen with who I happen to have disagreements on fundamental issues. And that’s what this campaign is about.”

This comment certainly didn’t fit what we usually see in the political arena today. But for John McCain, who was vying for the nation’s highest and most powerful office, it was an act of integrity and kindness, played out for millions of viewers to witness.

It’s important to create moments to be kind.
At one time or another, we will all experience a difficult season in life. These may be situations we cannot control, or they could be situations we helped create. In baseball terms, sometimes, we will get hit by a pitch. Other times, we’ll step right out in front of a fastball. Either way, being on the receiving end of angry words and condemnation will only plant the seed of painful memories that become difficult to forget. But realize that the opposite is true when we plant the words of kindness. These words are the ones that have the most significant impact and have the power to give both confidence and a gentle push to move forward.

Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.” – Mother Teresa

We know there are times when kindness seems distant in managing our lives. So, check your motives. A day will not pass when you will not have the opportunity to give or speak the gift of kindness. Better yet, look for ways to be kind. Create moments.

Let me ask you, as you reflect on kindness, what was the most memorable word of encouragement you ever received?
Remember how it changed your outlook and attitude?
Let me encourage you to do the same for others as you go about your day.

Because when you do, you may discover that kindness is kind of a big deal.