Strengthening Our Spiritual Muscles: Taking the Next Step

Strengthening Our Spiritual Muscles: Taking the Next Step

In our faith journey, we constantly face circumstances that challenge our faith. These are moments when we hear the call to take the next step of faith, to venture into unfamiliar territory, and to trust in God’s plan for us. While some steps may seem intimidating, these moments require confidence and courage. Just as Jesus called His disciples to follow Him without hesitation, we, too, are called to take the next steps in our faith journey, trusting in His guidance and provision. So, what are some benefits of growing the confidence to take the next step of faith?

Personal Growth: Every leap of faith strengthens our spiritual muscles. We learn to discern God’s voice better, trust His promises, and rely on His sovereignty. This enhances our faith walk. Taking the next step of faith may also mean stepping out of our comfort zones. It can involve making sacrifices and facing challenges. Each step of faith molds our character by instilling patience, humility, love, and resilience.

Strengthens Our Dependence on God: Our trust in God deepens as we take steps in faith and see His faithfulness. It expresses our belief that God is in control and that His plans for us are good. This confidence is not boastful or arrogant; it is humble and acknowledges our dependence on God. With each step, we become more confident in God’s promises and His character.

Spiritual Transformation: Taking the next steps in our Christian journey often leads to significant spiritual breakthroughs. These breakthroughs can establish an increased understanding of God’s Word, a deeper connection with His Spirit, and a resilience to overcome personal trials and temptations. As we step out in faith, we open ourselves to the transformative power of God, inviting His guidance into our lives. This humble submission allows us to break free from the limitations of our human understanding, paving the way for divine wisdom to shape our character and guide our choices. 

Inspiration and Testimony: As we step out in faith and align our actions with God’s will, we become living testimonies of His power and grace. Our steadfast commitment and spiritual growth inspire those within our church community and extend beyond the church walls. Each step taken in faith affects our spiritual journey and contributes to the broader mission of spreading God’s love and message to our community and world.

The journey of faith is not a one-time happening but a continuous procession of steps. Every step counts, and every step brings us closer to God. May we embrace the call to take the next step of faith courageously and remember that with each step we take, we are not alone, for we walk with God, the Author and Perfecter of our faith.