'Compassion' Tagged Posts

'Compassion' Tagged Posts

The Ripple Effect of Our Actions: 1 John 3:18

Dear children, let’s not merely say that we love each other; let us show the truth by our actions” – 1 John 3:18. This powerful reminder calls us to prioritize showing love through our deeds rather than merely through the utterance of words. It’s a transformative journey that challenges us to reflect on how we can demonstrate love daily, offering hope and inspiration for a better world. Practicing Genuine Compassion To truly live out love, we must seek to incorporate…

The Power of Compassion

The saying goes, “If you want to understand someone, walk a mile in their shoes.” In other words, this is a call to practice empathy. Empathy is not only a crucial part of being a good Christian, but it is also a powerful tool for deepening our relationships with others. It’s about being understanding, compassionate, and willing to go out of our way to show kindness to those around us. So, let’s explore what biblical empathy is, the importance of…