'Faith' Tagged Posts

'Faith' Tagged Posts

Being a Game-Changer: Steps to Embrace Change and Impact

From a spiritual point of view, being a game-changer means stepping up and making impactful choices that reflect your faith and purpose. Embracing change is not just about the choices you make; it’s about the drive that fuels those choices. Here are three key areas to consider when becoming a game-changer … Taking the Leap: How Faith Fuels Change Faith shows the reality of what we hope for; it is the evidence of things we cannot see” – Hebrews 11:1.…

Walking in the Strength of the Lord

I walk in the strength of the Lord” – Psalm 71:16. Walking in the strength of the Lord means relying on His power and presence to guide, support, and sustain us in every aspect of life. This dependence on divine strength allows us to navigate life’s ups and downs with confidence and assurance that we are not alone.  Throughout the Bible, we find numerous examples of individuals who relied on God’s strength to overcome seemingly impossible challenges. Moses is a…

Strengthening Our Spiritual Muscles: Taking the Next Step

In our faith journey, we constantly face circumstances that challenge our faith. These are moments when we hear the call to take the next step of faith, to venture into unfamiliar territory, and to trust in God’s plan for us. While some steps may seem intimidating, these moments require confidence and courage. Just as Jesus called His disciples to follow Him without hesitation, we, too, are called to take the next steps in our faith journey, trusting in His guidance…

The Courage to Step Out in Faith

In the seemingly disarray of our world today, where uncertainty is a constant, the challenge to act courageously in faith can be intense. However, as we look at the life of Peter, one of the twelve disciples of Jesus, we can draw inspiration from his audacious act of faith and courage. The story unfolds in Matthew 14:27-31. Jesus had just spent the day teaching thousands of people, and as the day was coming to a close, He miraculously fed them…

Navigating Through Challenges

A small sign in my office says, “This Ain’t My First Rodeo.” After thirty years of pastoral ministry, there is little I hadn’t seen or heard. Or so I thought. No one was prepared for a worldwide pandemic. This solidifies the following truth: Challenges will always be with us. But it’s essential to learn how to work through them in a healthy manner. And while we can’t always control what comes our way, we can manage how we respond. The…

Simplicity is a Precious Gem

Christianity is a simple faith that does not require complex rules or deep theological knowledge. At its core, Christianity is about loving God, loving our neighbor, and loving ourselves. Jesus’ teachings are truly easy to understand and can be applied to our lives today. There is nothing extraordinary required of us as Christians. We don’t need to be experts in the Bible or have our lives in perfect order to have a relationship with God. Following Jesus is a journey…