'Galatians' Tagged Posts

'Galatians' Tagged Posts

Woven Together: Nurturing Connections in Your Spiritual Journey

In today’s whirlwind of activity and distractions, many of us find ourselves drifting apart from the anchors of our faith, the warmth of our community, and even the core of who we are. But as followers of Christ, we’re called to a life of deep connection. This is more than just showing up on Sundays or occasionally opening our Bibles. It’s about weaving our faith into the very fabric of our daily lives. In part two of our post on…

Faith Expressing Itself Through Love: Galatians 5:6

The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love” – Galatians 5:6. This verse highlights the simple yet powerful truth that love is the essence of our faith. When we accept Christ into our lives, our actions should reflect His love in tangible ways. It’s not just saying we believe in God; it’s about showing that belief through loving others, regardless of their background or differences. The Power of Love in Our Faith Journey Love, as a transformative…

Building A Positive Legacy

Christians are called to a purpose greater than mere existence in our faith journey. They are invited to weave threads of goodness into the tapestry of humanity, building a rich legacy that glorifies God, encompassing the echoes of one’s values and actions and a love that spreads through generations. It’s about living so that your life tells a story about faith and love, showing others what it means to be a Christian. We should live in a way that plants…

Jesus’ Timeless Teachings on Peace

“Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid” (John 14:27, NLT). This powerful verse summarizes Jesus’ teachings on peace. In Jesus, we find a peace that transcends all understanding, not contingent on circumstances but anchored in the unwavering love of God. In our modern society, which is bombarded by challenges and adversities, embracing Jesus’ peace teachings…

Love All, Serve All

One of my favorite places to visit is the Hard Rock Café. It’s not so much the food as it is the atmosphere. Music has always been one of my passions. The restaurant walls are packed with historical memorabilia from the music world. A visit is always scheduled whenever I’m in a city with a Hard Rock Café. But the thing I appreciate the most about the Hard Rock Café is the motto that you’ll find plastered in big letters…

Determined To Do What is Good

The Apostle Paul learned that determination was one of the most significant characteristics of his ministry. He understood that circumstances would require him to be an example by holding his ground and taking a moral stand. For Paul, this was the DNA that made up his commitment to fulfilling God’s call in his life. When confronted with those moments of decision that tell you to take a pass and do what is comfortable and safe, the word determination says, “No,…