'Gospel of Luke' Tagged Posts

'Gospel of Luke' Tagged Posts

Being a Disciple: Putting Jesus First in Every Area of Life

Have you ever wondered what it means to be a disciple of Jesus? First, it means following Jesus. Most Christians get that part. But it also means actively seeking to put Him first in every aspect of life, which can be more challenging. Being a disciple means embodying the teachings of Jesus in our daily actions, decisions, and relationships. Let’s explore some remarkable biblical examples and provide practical ways to live out these principles today. Peter’s Trust: Embracing Faith in…

Avoiding Misinterpretations: Tools for Sound Biblical Interpretation

Understanding biblical texts accurately is essential for a vibrant and authentic Christian faith. It strengthens personal belief and fosters a harmonious and supportive community. Biblical misinterpretations, on the other hand, can lead to misunderstandings, conflict, and great harm. Understand How Culture Shapes Biblical Interpretation One key aspect of biblical interpretation is recognizing the influence of cultural context. When approaching challenging passages such as 1 Corinthians 14:34-35, where Paul states, “Women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed…

As Was His Custom: The Habits of Jesus

Walking on this earth over two thousand years ago, Jesus lived in such a way that His life lessons continue to impact the lives and hearts of millions of Christians worldwide. His habits, often mentioned in the Bible “as was His custom,” provide us with a living example of how we can lead lives that are fulfilling, compassionate, and close to God. Let’s explore some of Jesus’ remarkable habits and their relevance to Christians today. Regular Prayer. Jesus often retreated into…

How Living Fearlessly Shapes Our Future

In the tapestry of our Christian faith, the phrase ‘Fear Not’ is woven throughout, providing us with solace, hope, and the courage to endure and overcome. As followers of Christ, we are called to live a courageous faith, one emboldened by God’s unfailing promise to guide and protect us.  Consider, for a moment, the gravity and reassurance of the phrase ‘Fear Not.’ It’s not a suggestion from God but rather a divine command. The Bible often resonates with this phrase,…

A Face in the Crowd

In 1957, a motion picture was released called “A Face in the Crowd.” Andy Griffith starred as a drifter who became famous on a national television show. The phrase “a face in the crowd” typically means a person who is not noticeable among a large group. They just blend in with the crowd.   The movie follows the struggles of this drifter, known fittingly as “Lonesome” Rhodes. He is suddenly thrust into the spotlight and has to learn how to…

Never Stop Learning

When I was a kid, growing up in the church, we didn’t have all these audio/visual tools. We didn’t have screens in the sanctuary to follow the songs’ words or show videos and pictures. And our world has developed to become very high-tech during our lifetime. Thinking back to the 1960s when I was in children’s church, I remember Miss Edenfield was my teacher. She would teach using these little biblical characters that she would pin to a bulletin board.…