'Hebrews' Tagged Posts

'Hebrews' Tagged Posts

Woven Together: Nurturing Connections in Your Spiritual Journey

In today’s whirlwind of activity and distractions, many of us find ourselves drifting apart from the anchors of our faith, the warmth of our community, and even the core of who we are. But as followers of Christ, we’re called to a life of deep connection. This is more than just showing up on Sundays or occasionally opening our Bibles. It’s about weaving our faith into the very fabric of our daily lives. In part two of our post on…

Being a Game-Changer: Steps to Embrace Change and Impact

From a spiritual point of view, being a game-changer means stepping up and making impactful choices that reflect your faith and purpose. Embracing change is not just about the choices you make; it’s about the drive that fuels those choices. Here are three key areas to consider when becoming a game-changer … Taking the Leap: How Faith Fuels Change Faith shows the reality of what we hope for; it is the evidence of things we cannot see” – Hebrews 11:1.…

As Simple as Opening a Door

As my day began, I picked up my morning coffee and prepared to start a full day at the church. But first, I stopped by the post office, having received an update the night before that a package was waiting to be picked up. As I entered the post office, I noticed a man walking through the parking lot and towards the building. He carried a large box wrapped tightly with packaging tape with a mailing label on the side. The box…