'Humility' Tagged Posts

'Humility' Tagged Posts

Gentleness in a Chaotic World: Applying the Lessons of Ephesians 4:2

Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love” – Ephesians 4:2. Paul’s letter to the Ephesians is filled with wisdom, and Ephesians 4:2 provides practical advice for our daily lives. This passage encourages us to embody three essential qualities: humility, gentleness, and patience. These traits are about personal growth and fostering love and unity in our relationships. Love is the foundation of these qualities, as it is through…

Inspired by Aspirations, Yet Grounded in Humility

In our competitive world, ambition and aspiration often are celebrated above all else. We strive for success, often equating it with power, prestige, and material wealth. However, these pursuits can sometimes lead us astray, causing us to lose sight of the true essence of life – humility and service. We find a perfect example of these opposing forces from a Christian perspective in the New Testament book of Mark, Chapter 10:35-45. This portion of the scripture tells the story of…

A Face in the Crowd

In 1957, a motion picture was released called “A Face in the Crowd.” Andy Griffith starred as a drifter who became famous on a national television show. The phrase “a face in the crowd” typically means a person who is not noticeable among a large group. They just blend in with the crowd.   The movie follows the struggles of this drifter, known fittingly as “Lonesome” Rhodes. He is suddenly thrust into the spotlight and has to learn how to…

Not Caring Who Gets the Recognition

Do you remember the Underdog cartoon? Perhaps I’m dating myself here, but Underdog was a superhero who always saved the world from a host of villains. And when he wasn’t saving the world, he had a different occupation. He was a shoeshine boy. The voice at the show’s beginning would say something like, “One of the city’s most humble and lovable characters … was shoeshine boy.” After shoeshine boy completed his task, the customer would toss him a coin, pat…