'Love' Tagged Posts

'Love' Tagged Posts

God’s Love, Not Condemnation: A Reflection on John 3:16-17

For this is how God loved the world: He gave His one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life. God sent His Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through Him” – John 3:16-17. These verses from the Gospel of John are perhaps the most well-known in all Scripture. They summarize the heart of the Christian message – a message not of condemnation…

Embracing Kindness: Reflecting Christ Amidst Political Divisions

As we stand on the brink of another presidential election, the political landscape seems more fractured than ever before. The air is thick with tension, and the chasms that divide us appear to have widened into seemingly unbridgeable gulfs. Partisan rhetoric echoes through our communities, social media feeds, and even our places of worship. Yet, amid this tumultuous climate, we, as Christians, are reminded of our higher calling. Our faith beckons us to rise above the fray and embody a…

Faith Expressing Itself Through Love: Galatians 5:6

The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love” – Galatians 5:6. This verse highlights the simple yet powerful truth that love is the essence of our faith. When we accept Christ into our lives, our actions should reflect His love in tangible ways. It’s not just saying we believe in God; it’s about showing that belief through loving others, regardless of their background or differences. The Power of Love in Our Faith Journey Love, as a transformative…

The Ripple Effect of Our Actions: 1 John 3:18

Dear children, let’s not merely say that we love each other; let us show the truth by our actions” – 1 John 3:18. This powerful reminder calls us to prioritize showing love through our deeds rather than merely through the utterance of words. It’s a transformative journey that challenges us to reflect on how we can demonstrate love daily, offering hope and inspiration for a better world. Practicing Genuine Compassion To truly live out love, we must seek to incorporate…

From Law to Grace: How Jesus’ Sacrifice Changes Everything

The book of Leviticus in the Old Testament is a detailed account of laws and commandments given to the Israelites, known as the Levitical law. These laws ranged from dietary restrictions to ceremonial practices intended to set them apart as God’s chosen people. However, with the coming of Jesus Christ, a fundamental shift occurred. Jesus ushered in a new covenant, marked by grace and centered on love, freeing believers from the stringent legalities of Levitical law. This transition is essential…

Living Love Out Loud: 1 John 4:11

Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another” – 1 John 4:11. This verse is not just a commandment from the past but a living truth that resonates in our present. It reminds us of a fundamental truth that underpins our faith and daily lives. The directive is simple but imperative; it urges us to model the love God has shown us by loving one another. John’s message is not confined to the pages…

The Gift of Love, Hope, and Salvation for Everyone

The birth of Jesus Christ, celebrated globally during Christmas, is much more than a religious event. It is a testament to God’s unfathomable love for humankind, signifying hope and salvation for everyone, regardless of religious, cultural, or geographical boundaries. God’s Gift of Unconditional Love. The birth of Christ is the embodiment of God’s unconditional love for all people.  For this is how God loved the world: He gave His one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him…

As Simple as Opening a Door

As my day began, I picked up my morning coffee and prepared to start a full day at the church. But first, I stopped by the post office, having received an update the night before that a package was waiting to be picked up. As I entered the post office, I noticed a man walking through the parking lot and towards the building. He carried a large box wrapped tightly with packaging tape with a mailing label on the side. The box…

Love All, Serve All

One of my favorite places to visit is the Hard Rock Café. It’s not so much the food as it is the atmosphere. Music has always been one of my passions. The restaurant walls are packed with historical memorabilia from the music world. A visit is always scheduled whenever I’m in a city with a Hard Rock Café. But the thing I appreciate the most about the Hard Rock Café is the motto that you’ll find plastered in big letters…

Simplicity is a Precious Gem

Christianity is a simple faith that does not require complex rules or deep theological knowledge. At its core, Christianity is about loving God, loving our neighbor, and loving ourselves. Jesus’ teachings are truly easy to understand and can be applied to our lives today. There is nothing extraordinary required of us as Christians. We don’t need to be experts in the Bible or have our lives in perfect order to have a relationship with God. Following Jesus is a journey…

Determined To Do What is Good

The Apostle Paul learned that determination was one of the most significant characteristics of his ministry. He understood that circumstances would require him to be an example by holding his ground and taking a moral stand. For Paul, this was the DNA that made up his commitment to fulfilling God’s call in his life. When confronted with those moments of decision that tell you to take a pass and do what is comfortable and safe, the word determination says, “No,…