'Philippians' Tagged Posts

'Philippians' Tagged Posts

Embracing Possibilities in Everyday Life

Life is often described as a journey marked by unexpected twists and turns, presenting challenges and triumphs. It’s easy to feel stuck when faced with setbacks, yet the journey is often about embracing possibilities. Let’s explore how we can navigate our lives with hope, faith, and determination, using God’s teachings as our guide. Seeing Beyond the Failure Everyone encounters failure. Instead of letting it hold us back, we must shift our focus. Paul shares these words with the church in…

Walking in the Strength of the Lord

I walk in the strength of the Lord” – Psalm 71:16. Walking in the strength of the Lord means relying on His power and presence to guide, support, and sustain us in every aspect of life. This dependence on divine strength allows us to navigate life’s ups and downs with confidence and assurance that we are not alone.  Throughout the Bible, we find numerous examples of individuals who relied on God’s strength to overcome seemingly impossible challenges. Moses is a…

Growing Through the Winds of Change

In the thunderous seas of life, where the winds of change constantly shift, it is not uncommon for fear to grip the heart. Fear of the unknown, fear of failure, and fear of stepping out of our comfort zones can immobilize us, keeping us from making the changes necessary for our growth and progression. However, as Christians, we are encouraged to face our fears with faith, trusting in God’s plan and drawing on His strength for courage. Today, I want…

Rejuvenating Your Spirit: Experiencing God’s Restoration

Finding time for rest and maintaining a positive mindset may seem challenging today. But rejuvenation, rediscovering the vitality and vigor within, is not out of reach. It requires intentionality, a positive mindset, adequate rest, and considerable dedication. Drawing from biblical wisdom, Christians today can find holistic ways to rejuvenate themselves spiritually, physically, and mentally that align us more closely with God’s design for our lives. Every day presents a new opportunity to embrace life with enthusiasm. But how you start…

Count Your Blessings: The Abundance of God’s Love

The Bible contains numerous accounts of how God blesses His followers. Understanding these blessings is pivotal to deepening one’s faith and relationship with our Creator. Here are six ways the Bible describes these blessings and why they remain connected to Christians today. God’s provision is a central promise in Christianity, asserting that God compassionately meets His children’s needs in every aspect of their lives. This divine assurance applies to physical sustenance and spiritual support, including guidance, wisdom, and strength. We…

Navigating Through Challenges

A small sign in my office says, “This Ain’t My First Rodeo.” After thirty years of pastoral ministry, there is little I hadn’t seen or heard. Or so I thought. No one was prepared for a worldwide pandemic. This solidifies the following truth: Challenges will always be with us. But it’s essential to learn how to work through them in a healthy manner. And while we can’t always control what comes our way, we can manage how we respond. The…

Bringing Balance Into Our Lives

When we think about bringing a sense of balance into our lives, we tend to imagine a life divided into various categories. It’s trying to think of life as a pie. One slice would be your career, and another would be your family life. Then another component would be your social life, and yet another section would be your recreation life. You also have a section covering your secret life, those compulsions, addictions, and those things that nobody else knows…

The Choice to Fine-Tune Your Priorities

Have you ever wanted to transform a demanding situation into something easier to cope with? There is a way.  You must intentionally choose, and it is a choice, to focus your priorities on the relationship you have with God and the calling He has placed upon your life. Let me share some meaningful ways you can fine-tune your priorities away from the many distractions you face every day. First of all, make God’s Word a priority. God has given us…