The Courage to Step Out in Faith

The Courage to Step Out in Faith

In the seemingly disarray of our world today, where uncertainty is a constant, the challenge to act courageously in faith can be intense. However, as we look at the life of Peter, one of the twelve disciples of Jesus, we can draw inspiration from his audacious act of faith and courage.

The story unfolds in Matthew 14:27-31. Jesus had just spent the day teaching thousands of people, and as the day was coming to a close, He miraculously fed them all a meal. He then told His disciples to get in their boat and start crossing over the water to their next stop. In the meantime, Jesus would retreat alone to pray.

A storm approached in the middle of the night, and fierce waves began crashing against their boat. At that moment, the disciples saw a figure walking on the water towards them, and they were terrified.

But Jesus spoke to them. ‘Don’t be afraid. Take courage. I am here!’ When they recognized Him, Peter asked, ‘Lord, if it’s you, tell me to come to you.’ Jesus replied, ‘Yes, come.’ And Peter stepped out of the boat and began to walk on water” – Matthew 14:27-29.

This moment in Scripture is significant to Christians today. Amid our storms, we often find ourselves in the boat, clinging to what is safe and familiar. We hesitate to step out in faith due to fear and doubt. Yet, Peter’s experience reminds us that miracles can be found outside our comfort zones.

Walking into the unknown, on the path of an unfamiliar road, is represented by various things for different individuals. It could be embarking on the ministry you feel called to. It could be leaving a stable job for a new yet rewarding opportunity. It could be forgiving a person who has caused you great pain. The ‘water’ we are prompted to walk on is unique for each of us.

Like Peter, we often need to improve our focus. Peter began to sink when his fear triumphed over his faith. In the same way, when we, too, begin to give in to fear and doubt, our focus on faith becomes distracted.

An important takeaway is that Jesus is always ready to help us in our weakest moments. When Peter screamed, “Lord, save me!” (v.30), Jesus immediately reached out to him. Likewise, in our lives, when our faith stumbles, Jesus is always there to rescue us.

Peter’s water-walking journey underscores the importance of audacity and faith. In the world we live in today, stepping out in faith can seem like an impossible task. Yet, like Peter, we must remember that even though the storms may be daunting, our Savior is more formidable.

For we walk by faith, not by sight” – 2 Corinthians 5:7.

We must fix our gaze on Jesus, step out of the boat, and dare to walk on water. After all, when we make that bold leap of faith, we become witnesses to the miracles in our lives.

Butler Caldwell is a Christian musician and songwriter with listening channels featured on Soundcloud, Spotify, Amazon Music, and more. To check out a full listing of his music, go to Butler Caldwell Music.